Monday, January 3


It is the third day of 2011 and I haven't set any goals. While usually I would be panicking at this point for not having "a goal", this year I don't intend to. For me, 2011 is going to be, quite simply, the year of decisions.  I have spent the last part of 2010 digging and honing and cultivating myself. Answering tough questions about who I was, who I am now and best of all, who I am going to be. I am confident when I say that this year will be nothing short of phenomenal! A good friend suggested some action steps for decision making in the new year and what valuable advice it is: 1.Evaluate what didn't work in 2010, 2.Define what did work, 3.Get clear and write out your fears, 4.Evaluate the people you surround yourself with, create a vision and an inspiring environment, 5.Create a list of 2011 decisions and action steps to take. I can not stress the importance of breaking big dreams into tiny action steps. Anything is possible with action.

Above, you will find one of my very own action steps, my personal vision board for this year. Obviously, it doesn't encompass everything I have planned, so here are some of my decisions for 2011: This is the year that I get serious about my business and put my whole self out there. This is the year that I release my inner brilliance and stop living small. This is the year I become a mentor. This is the year of travel. This is the year I master floral design. This is the year I am social. This is the year I focus on my health. This is the year I remember to experience the little moments with my husband. This is the year we join a church. This is the year we unplug for an entire week and go away, just the two of us, for the first time since our honeymoon. This is the year of education. This is the year of authenticity. This is the year of faith. This is the year of love. This vision board will be tacked up on my inspiration wall by my desk as a daily reminder of all that I hope to accomplish in 2011. I will also be posting a monthly journal entry with a self-portrait {an idea I got from this awesome lady} so I can keep a running tab on my successes and failures and celebrate them all at the end of the year. A year from now you will wish you had started today-Karen Lamb. Make it count!


  1. Love love love!! The board just SCREAMS you! :) So inspiring Carlee! Love you!!

  2. I agree with Lauren...very inspiring vision board and post for the year 2011.
