via emilyharriet
Sunday, December 26
Saturday, December 25
Thursday, December 23
DIY on the Fly: Southern Terrarium
Happy Christmas Eve Eve! If y'all are like me, you're still running around like mad trying to get everything perfect for Christmas morning. I'll be taking a break for the rest of the weekend to celebrate the season and spend time with family, but before I head to South Carolina, I wanted to share this precious DIY ornament project I worked on for my recipients in the Southern Weddings annual ornament exchange. I assembled the "ingredients" I would need: Spanish moss, cotton and hay, all things that could be found on our family's farm. I sourced a clear glass ball from a craft store as my container and I chose a gingham ribbon in sophisticated black and white for my simple bow. Voila, y'all! A "Southern" terrarium fit for the finest of Douglas firs. Merry Christmas!
Wednesday, December 22
Carlee Cooks: Chocolate Bourbon Pecan Pie
Baking is a passion for me. The steps of a recipe are soothing and I find myself relaxing as I assemble ingredients and create from scratch. Christmas is especially wonderful as I bake for others: peppermint bark for Mom, "Christmas Fudge" for Dad, banana pudding for PJ and Chocolate Bourbon Pecan Pie for my Uncle John. I blogged about this special treat here, but was unable to find the time to bake one for him for Thanksgiving, so he will now be finding one under the Christmas tree.

Tomorrow, I'll be assembling my Southern Terrarium ornament, a wonderful last minute gift option. Merry Christmas, y'all!
Tuesday, December 14
Sweet Succulents
I am really digging on succulents right now. For a self-professed "black thumb", a plant that only needs sunlight and water "when you remember" is the perfect option. You can even break a piece off and, if planted, it will live forever as it's own entity. Not only are they low maintenance, but they are truly lovely as bouquets, place settings, favors and other decor. After use, just replant and voila! You have your very own succulent garden.
photo credits: {clockwise from top left} wreath, boutonniere & bouquet, silver cup place setting, single succulent & cake
Sunday, December 12
Friday, December 10
Candy Cane & Cardinal
'Tis the Season! Apologies all around for my two week vacation from the blog, but I'm back and ready for the holidays! First up? Today's inspiration board featuring two of my favorite holiday harbingers: Candy Cane & Cardinal. I love that bright, bright red against the lush softness of the snowy white. Perfect for a winter wedding with a pop of color. My favorite detail of the board? The perfect candy cane stripe shown in the slice of Martha's delicious red velvet cake. Gorgeous!
{row no. 1} candy cane cup, melissa sweet, cardinal
{row no. 2} rex and regina, beaux arts photographie
{row no. 3} martha stewart weddings, ritzybee
Sunday, November 28
Thursday, November 25
In All things, Give Thanks
via design*sponge
Happy Thanksgiving! By all accounts, this post is a day late and a dollar short, however, my husband surprised me earlier this week with a well thought out trip to Charleston, so I decided to enjoy my time with him and pretty much take the week off. I did, however, take time yesterday to reflect on all of my blessings and decided to make a {very}short list of all of the things for which I am thankful: my renewed sense of faith, the ability to take this time to rejuvenate before a very busy December, my lovely family {including my darling cat, Lulu}, old friendships and new, my support system {you know who you are} and last but not least, Parker, the love of my life. I hope y'all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and are ready to take on the holiday season!
Wednesday, November 24
Scenes from a Thanksgiving Supper: Chocolate Bourbon Pecan Pie
What is a Thanksgiving meal without some fresh Pecan Pie? I like to add some chocolate and a splash of bourbon because, honestly, bourbon makes it better. Parker prefers me to use Maker's Mark, but any Kentucky bourbon will do. This was such a hit last year that my uncle gave up getting slice after slice and just sat down with the pie dish at the table. Y'all are going to want to save some of this for yourselves, so go ahead and make one for your uncle and one for you
1 ²⁄³ cups all-purpose flour mixed with ¾ tsp. kosher salt
²⁄³ cup lard
¾ tsp. white vinegar
1 small egg
Place flour and salt in bowl, and cut in lard until mixture resembles small peas. In a Pyrex measuring cup, combine vinegar and egg, and add water to make ¹⁄³ cup liquid. Slowly add liquid to the flour mixture, forming dough. Do not overwork. Remove from bowl, halve, and pat into disks. If not using immediately, cover in plastic wrap and chill.
Chocolate Bourbon Pecan Pie Filling
fills one 9 inch pie crust
¾ cup granulated sugar
1 ½ cups dark corn syrup
½ tsp. kosher salt
1 ½ tsp. all-purpose flour
3 large eggs
1 ½ tsp. vanilla
2 tbsp. bourbon
1 ½ tbsp. sweet butter
2 oz unsweetened chocolate
1 ¾ cups pecans
Melt butter and chocolate in a small saucepan over medium-low heat, set aside. Using a hand mixer, combine sugar, syrup, salt, flour, and eggs, mixing well. Stir in remaining ingredients and pour into unbaked pie shell.
Preheat oven to 350° F.
Bake in preheated oven for 1 hour and 15 minutes (a toothpick inserted in center should come out relatively clean). Remove from oven and place on cooling rack, allowing pie to rest for 2 to 3 hours to set.
Tuesday, November 23
Scenes from a Thanksgiving Supper: Oyster Dressing
Two days until turkey time, but nothing says "Thanksgiving Dinner" to me like oyster dressing. This is my Uncle John's specialty and I look forward to it all year long. The secret to a great dressing is always simplicity. Freshly shucked oysters, cornbread baked from scratch, delicious! I would never dare reveal my uncle's recipe, so Paula's will have to do. Grab a fork and dig in!
1 cup self rising cornmeal
1/2 cup self-rising flour
3/4 cup buttermilk
2 eggs
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
7 slices white bread, dried in warm oven
1 sleeve saltine crackers
2 cups chopped celery
1 large onion, chopped
8 tablespoons butter
2 cups chicken stock
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
1 teaspoon dried sage
1 tablespoon poultry seasoning
5 eggs, beaten
2 pints or 1 quart oysters, drained
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
To make the cornbread, combine all ingredients and pour into a greased shallow baking dish. Bake for approximately 20 to 25 minutes. Remove from oven and let cool.
To make the dressing, crumble dried white bread slices, cornbread and crackers. Mix together and set aside. Saute chopped celery and onion in butter until transparent, approximately 5 to 10 minutes. Pour over corn bread mixture. Add stock, mix well and add salt, pepper, sage, and poultry seasoning. Add beaten eggs and mix well. Add oysters and mix. Pour into a greased pan. Bake for about 45 minutes.
Monday, November 22
Scenes from Thanksgiving Supper: Sweet Potato Souffle
It's almost time for the most glorious of food holidays: Thanksgiving! Although not all about food, Thanksgiving is traditionally a holiday where you gather your nearest and dearest to share a meal and offer thanks for your blessings big or small. In my family, our tradition lies in Uncle John's Fabulous Thanksgiving Feast. The same menu, year after year, is served in the house on Main and when missed, is definitely worth shedding a few tears {sorry Sizemore family!}. In honor of this mouth-watering menu, I will be sharing a daily recipe to build the anticipation to a frenzied pitch. While some of these may not be the exact recipe {family secrets and all}, they are tried and tested, Carlee approved.
First up? My cousin, PJ's, Sweet Potato Souffle. Y'all, this stuff is so heavenly it's almost dessert! I say almost, because, well, it's made from a root vegetable and therefore, cannot be a dessert {I'm looking at you too, Sweet Potato Pie!}. As far as I'm concerned, SPS is a must serve at any Southern Thanksgiving and it must also include marshmallows or, once again, tears may be shed. While you may be tempted to eat this directly from the pan, do show some manners and wait until all your guests have gone. Enjoy!
PJ's Southern Sweet Potato Souffle
- 3 large sweet potatoes cooked and whipped
- 1 cup sugar
- 2 eggs beaten
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 1 stick butter
- 1/2 cup evaporated milk
- 2 teaspoons vanilla
- 1 bag marshmallows {preferably, the tee-tiny ones}
- 1/2 cup chopped pecans
Peel and cook potatoes until tender. Drain potatoes and whip. Add sugar, eggs, salt, butter, milk and vanilla. Mix well and put in a greased 1 1/2 quart casserole. Bake in a preheated 325 degree oven for 25 minutes. Place marshmallows and pecans on top and return to oven for about 5 minutes or until brown on top. Serves 8 - 12.
Sunday, November 21
Thursday, November 18
Journey with Louis Vuitton
Louis Vuitton is such an inspiration for me right now. Their Fall/Winter 2010-11 line was a major step {along with Mad Men} in bringing back formfitting, structured, ladylike designs. Just lovely! When I came across their core values commercial, I have to say that I was totally blown away. The wording and imagery used creates an advertisement that is merely enhanced by the product being sold. Is it the person that creates the journey or the journey that creates the person? The journey is life itself. Where will life take you? Quite fitting.
via louis vuitton
Wednesday, November 17
Cup of Tea
I have an irrational fear of traditionally small items {spoons, teacups, etc.} being supersized. With that said, I am at once terrified and enthralled with this shoot from Simply Bloom. The lighting is spectacular and I am obsessed with the sugar cube cake, not to mention the yards and yards of tulle. Perfection! This is a fabulous way to end the day. Curl up with a latte or cup of tea and enjoy!
via Style Me Pretty
Sunday, November 14
Friday, November 12
Cotton Picked
This week has been nothing short of amazing for me. If you haven't yet, check out my before and after posts for the Making Things Happen Intensive in Phoenix. MTH has been a game changer for me, so you will slowly start noticing some changes on the blog and then I will be making a BIG announcement shortly after the new year! After an intense week, I am looking forward to seeing some of my girlfriends tonight {Congratulations, Bell!} and spending some quality time with my husband tomorrow. Before all of that, I would like you to feast your eyes on some blog loveliness,
cotton picked to help you get through the rest of the week. Enjoy!
Yummy pumpkin whoopie pies {even yummier styling}!
Photo booth, silhouette artist and bocce ball! Where do I sign up?
Pretty San Fran wedding. Check out those florals!
Who doesn't love a man in uniform {with an engagement ring}?
This DIY mirror is to-die-for!
Loving these vintage art prints.
Ralph Lauren as a style muse? Yes, please!
Thursday, November 11
Fire in the Desert: MTH2010
Action. I have been still for far too long. Words may be spoken, promises can be made, but action garners results. On Sunday, I sat in a room with 12 other women and went all in. I laid my cards on the table and was rewarded with a sense of wellness and self-fulfillment and empowerment. Finally! I know who I am. I have let go of the past and faced my future. I have decided to be present. This is such a precious gift to myself, to my husband and to my family. My life has been changed and I am so blessed to live it each day, with authenticity, with grace and with action.
I continue to thank God and pray for the women I met in Phoenix. These are my sisters, supporters and comrades on this journey and I am so honored to know them and to share this bond. We owned them all: our fears, our mistakes, our hopes and our wildest dreams. It was honest and real and exhilarating. Ten hours. Ten short hours and I know these women. Their successes will be my successes and their failures will be mine as well. I would not have it any other way.
And to Lara, Gina and Emily, you are on fire! Y'all are doing phenomenal work in our lives and I pray that this passion and leadership that you exude continues long after MTH2010 has come to an end. You are making a difference. I am so blessed to know you all and I look forward to what the future holds. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Wednesday, November 10
Santo & Dewi's Sweet Proposal Story
I have to admit, I shed a few tears during this sweet proposal video. Santo and Dewi are so precious together and you can just feel the love between the two of them along with their family and friends. Here is their proposal story and from Style Me Pretty, read Dewi's explanation of the video below.
This would be one of our greatest achievements… making our own pre-wedding film. The story is based on our true relationship journey. Starting at how we met, how we normally spend time together, until one day he popped the BIG question. The main concept of this film is the re-enactment of how Santo proposed to me using a lot of point of view shots from his eyes.
As for the proposal, he had been secretly planning this project for 3 months without me knowing any of the plans. Since he loves film-making so much, he expressed the “will you marry me?” using this medium. He asked all our close friends and family across the globe to make a short message clip directed to me with the topic “Why Dewi (myself) should say YES to Jack (this is his nickname) on her birthday?
He popped the question to me on my 24th Birthday with this proposal video by showing it on a new MacBook (Yes, he also gave me this laptop as a present for my birthday). I was already so surprised when he gave me the MacBook, and then suddenly there is another surprise which I didn’t expect at all….he opened the MacBook and a log-in screen appeared. However, instead of the usual log-in screen, he had changed it to say, “Will You Marry Me?”
There were 3 different options (log in) – “Yes”, “No”, or “Call A Friend”. I was quite numb by this time. He said, “Since you are now still confused, I would say just choose “Call A Friend.” Once I clicked that … the picture of him holding a note saying “Please Click Here” appeared on the screen. Then, an arrow led me to click the proposal video. My heart was beating sooo fast…I couldn’t hold my tears throughout watching the 20 min proposal video with all the special messages from more than 20 friends and family members across the globe.
He had also secretly prepared this little handy-cam next to the MacBook just before I watched the video! I am so blessed to have him. I wouldn’t ask for a better proposal than this. This video meant so much to us. I’ve been watching this film over and over, but I still get goosebumps and cry when I watch it!
Friday, November 5
Cotton Picked
It's Friday! After a waterlogged week, we are excited to be walking around in the sunshine looking for some perfect props at Metrolina in Charlotte today. Other than our "buying trip", we've got a super-exciting Saturday trip to Phoenix planned. You can read all about that adventure and how I'm Making Things Happen here. To say we have a pretty busy weekend is a major understatement, but we still found some time to bring you something lovely to look at today. Can you tell we're in the mood for drama? Enjoy and have a great weekend!
Amazing dress, amazing portrait, amazing wedding.
Amen! Elaborate, old fashioned southern style wedding invitation.
Pretty polka dots for a pretty engagement shoot.
B&W drama at it's best!
A cake whose main ingredient is P's favorite beer. Let's get baking!
Thursday, November 4
Making Things Happen 2010
Photogen {p.s: my name is on one of those books!}
On Saturday, I will be boarding a plane to take me to a city that is going to change my life and heart forever. Quite a dramatic statement, no? I will be attending an 8 hour, no-holds barred intensive on Sunday in Phoenix designed to extinguish fear and ignite the passion to enable myself to Make Things Happen. In life, love, business. When I first heard of MTH2010 and Lara Casey, I was so in awe of the progress that the attendees were making in their lives. These people were fired up! At the moment, I was like a Girl Scout trying to start a fire with damp wood. No fire here. It was just after the first leg of the tour and I heard a tee-tiny little voice within myself saying, "You need this". Not want, but need. It was time for a blow torch and some lighter fluid.
When I was younger, we had a high dive at the country club I attended. I would love to climb the tall ladder as fast as I could, walk out to the end of the board, take in the quiet at such a height and dive, not jump, but dive into the deep end. The feeling of flight and the rush of cool water was addictive and I would hop out of the pool, head for the high dive and climb again. I long for the fearlessness of my childhood as I have spent the last year of my life slowly climbing that ladder. I'm now at the end of the board and it's time to dive!
One might ask, "Why get so personal on your company blog? Your clients may read this!". Well, for me, business is personal. As a small business owner, my business is my life. As my nearest and dearest can attest, all of the joys and frustrations of owning a business are brought into my personal life and vice versa. In my opinion, if your business isn't personal, if you can take it or leave it, well, you may be in the wrong business. I hope potential clients do run across this series on the blog. Then they will know that I am actively making myself and my business better to better serve them. What more could they ask?
I honestly do not know what to expect from my time in Phoenix {I just hope I don't "ugly cry" in front of, what are for now, strangers}. I am at once anxious and thrilled at the thought of what I will discover when I am there. For the past two years, P has been asking, "What do you want to do?". At this moment, I'm not exactly sure, but I pray to have a clearer picture when I board the plane to head back to Atlanta. Monday is P's birthday and I know without a doubt that the answer to his question would be the best present I could give. But for now, my answer is simple: Make Things Happen.
Tuesday, November 2
Leslie & B Love Shoot {Giveaway Winner}!
Without further ado, we present to you the winner of the Leslie & B love shoot giveaway!
Everyone's comments made us feel so warm and snuggly...we finally had to randomly choose a winner.
Congratulations, April! We'll be in touch with details.
Congratulations, April! We'll be in touch with details.
Saturday, October 30
Friday, October 29
Cotton Picked
Please excuse our absence from the blog world this week. We've been super busy updating our website! Now complete, we can get back to the fun of Halloween week! Our very favorite Halloween treat, It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown, aired last night and we must say, seeing Linus' excitement for the imminent arrival of the Great Pumpkin takes us back to our childhood wonderment of the holiday. Candy, candy, candy galore! Once we have children of our own, we plan to take them to the pumpkin patch, pick out the biggest pumpkin we can find, bring it home and proclaim it the Great Pumpkin. On All Hallows Eve, we will perform a little bit of Hocus Pocus and with a little extra magic {glitter} the Great Pumpkin will rise up at the witching hour to bring candy to the most sincere little boys and girls. How fun does that sound? We may need to implement this plan prior to having children...this is too much fun! In case you missed Charlie Brown and crew, here's a little clip Cotton Picked for your enjoyment! Happy Haunting!
More tricks & treats from the blog world:
A Corpse Bride photo shoot. Tim Burton would be so proud!
Glam Halloween inspiration, Southern Style!
Glittering Pumpkins!
P.S: Don't forget to enter our giveaway with Leslie & B to win a completely styled, completely free photoshoot! Contest ends Halloween night at midnight!
Thursday, October 28
Happy Halloween!
It's almost Halloween, our absolute favorite holiday of the year! We adore decorating for the season and can sometimes get carried away with color {our living room is painted Roasted Pumpkin, after all}. This year, we decided to edit our palate just a bit and decorate in the wonderfully neutral color scheme of white, burlap & kraft. Traditionally, white can be found in Halloween decor. Note the frothy fog on a cauldron witches brew, the hazy apparition of a spectre and the dancing bones of a skeleton. Here are some of our spooktacular finds to add to your decor{including a craft project of our own}.
Sunday, October 24
Friday, October 22
Cotton Picked
Happy Friday! This week has been slammed jammed and it's not over yet, folks! We're still recovering from all of the fried yummies at the South Carolina State Fair, so forgive us if we haven't been on our game this week. We're back in Atlanta, though, and ready to rock this weekend! One trend we're all about right now? Save the Dates via stop motion videos. So, we've Cotton Picked some of our favorites here for you. Enjoy! P.S: It is now our misson to figure out how to and then create a stop motion video for some fabulous occasion. We'll keep y'all posted!
a slice of invite from Jodi Miller on Vimeo.
Wedding Save the Date! from Joe Fayer on Vimeo.
Save the date! 31 july 2010 from Kishi-Grover on Vimeo.
a+a's save the date from Courtney Brooke on Vimeo.
a slice of invite from Jodi Miller on Vimeo.
Wedding Save the Date! from Joe Fayer on Vimeo.
Mad for Marchesa
We can’t tell y’all how much we love Marchesa! Georgina Chapman’s designs are exquisite {just check out the red carpet section if you don't believe us} and we are over the moon about her new bridal line. Besides all of the frothy, flirty, feminine designs {hello, ruffles!}, no one does a short gown like Marchesa. We are supremely jealous of the bride that gets to make her entrance in one of these confections and invite you to have a look-see at these gowns and share the lust.
Thursday, October 21
Leslie & B Love Shoot {Giveaway}!
We are so excited to be teaming up again with Leslie&B for a styled photography giveaway! We will be giving one lucky couple a completely styled, completely free photography session. How awesome is that? Open to all engaged or married couples, it's also the perfect opportunity to propose and have it captured on film {ahem, gentlemen!}. Date, time and location to be determined once a winner is selected.
To enter, simply leave a comment below {or here} with your name and e-mail and your favorite way to stay cozy during the chilly days of Fall! The contest closes at midnight on Halloween and winners will be announced on Monday, November 1st. Good luck!
photo credits {clockwise}: '58 Rambler {country living}, Falling Leaves {dress design decor}, Hot Apple Cider & Roasting Marshmallows {country living}, Preppy Couple {southern proper}
photo credits {clockwise}: '58 Rambler {country living}, Falling Leaves {dress design decor}, Hot Apple Cider & Roasting Marshmallows {country living}, Preppy Couple {southern proper}
Sunday, October 17
Friday, October 15
Cotton Picked
Happy Friday! We are so, so looking forward to relaxing after this week. Weekend plans include football {of course!} and a trip to the State Fair for some delicious fried food! We're sure that some people go to the Fair for the rides or to see the Racing Pigs or to people watch, but it's the only time of the year where we will eat a Pronto Pup {corn dog}, Fiske Fries and an Elephant Ear {fried dough for all of you healthy folks out there} all in one afternoon! We plan on being in a food coma on Sunday. As delicious {or disgusting} as our weekend sounds to you, we hope y'all have a wonderful weekend planned! To kick things off, here is the wrap-up of wedded bliss for the week. Enjoy!
Fat, hand-lettered font and an oh-so-chic color combo. Lovely invites!
Charming little bridesmaid bouquet! We adore "just gathered" floral arrangements.
A cotton candy stand!
If we were to have a destination wedding, a vineyard would be at the top of the list.
We were featured! Thanks again to Postcards & Pretties!
Thursday, October 14
A Gamecock Gal's Guide to Lexington
Considered the "Horse Capital of the World", Lexington has a lot to offer besides My Old Kentucky Home and a Call to Post. If you're making a trip to the home of the Wildcats, take some time to explore the city. From bourbon to boutiques, there truly is something for everyone!
Going to Kentucky and not drinking bourbon is like ordering a Pepsi in Atlanta. You don't do it, folks. Thankfully, they have this nice tour called the Kentucky Bourbon Trail to help everyone out. We put together an earlier post on the trail here and remember, it's all about 25 miles from Lex, so don't drink and drive. That's what a car service is for!
Tolly Ho Grab a bite at this Lexington staple and you won't be disappointed. Voted the Best Burger in Kentucky by USA Today, Tolly Ho also serves up sandwiches, sides, desserts and breakfast 24 hours.
395 S Limestone | 859.253.2007
Lynagh's Owned by former Kentucky quarterback, Bill Ransdell, Lynagh's has been a UK staple for 29 years. With over a 100 beers and a full menu, it's the perfect place to catch some games before the game.
384 Woodland Avenue | 859.255.6891
Jonathan's at Gratz Park Looking for something a little more upscale? Don't miss Jonathan's for a delicious culinary experience. They also have Pimento Cheese Grit Fries which pretty much includes all of our favorite foods in one dish! Heavenly!
120 W 2nd Street | 259.252.4949
Bella Rose Come here for designer fashions such as Milly, French Connection, Tracy Reese and Britt Ryan. Why? Some occasions just call for fancy.
126 W Maxwell Street | 859.255.2565
Mod Boutique They are the trendiest folks in Lexington. Stop by for a lesson in "Denimology" and peruse their extensive collection of designer jeans.
828 E High Street | 589.335.6631
Graves Cox The ultimate store for the discerning gentleman. Open since 1888, this family owned operation also carries one of our favorite vendors for a dapper man, Southern Proper.
Keeneland So it's horses you're wanting after all? Located about 6 miles west of Lexington, in the heart of horse country, you'll find Keeneland will satisfy all of your horse racing needs.
Monday, October 11
Featured {Postcards & Pretties}
We are so pleased for our work to be featured today on Postcards & Pretties! We adore this blog and all of the girly, ruffly, vintage lovelies they feature on a daily basis. Southern Weddings has named P&P one of their favorite wedding blogs for the whimsical bride and we have to agree. A special thanks to Leslie&B for the lovely images, Bella Bridesmaid Greenville for the perfect dress and Chocolate Butterbean for the charming stationery suite. Check out the rest of the post here.
Love's a Beach
Take a look at this funky, modern wedding from Martha Stewart Weddings Destination Weddings and Dream Honeymoons issue on stands now. The tights, the umbrellas, the fabulous prints and patterns! Who said a beach wedding had to be all bare feet and washed out colors? We love this couple's individualism and all of the beautiful imagery from Max Wanger. Soak up the lovely!
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